Dr. McGill's interview with Peter Attia
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April Vukelic, D.O., is an osteopath and McGill Certified practitioner. She specializes in low-back disorders, biomechanics, cranial osteopathy, and dental issues. The McGill method provides hope and answers for back pain patients who have exhausted other methodologies. The goal is to restore pain-free function and help patients get back to doing what they love.
April Vukelic, D.O., is certified by Dr. Stuart McGill in treating low back disorders. Dr. McGill is the world's number one low back specialist. He has combined the academic study of the low back with ideas from many disciplines to create a comprehensive and effective approach with unmatched success. Dr. McGill has worked on 248 academic articles on low back disorders in the disciplines of kinesiology and biomechanics.
The McGill method's foundation is a specific diagnosis outlining the exact pain mechanism. Dr. Vukelic will teach you how to get out of pain and move to reduce pain triggers on a daily basis. Sadly, many back pain patients receive exercises and advice from medical professionals that may keep them in pain. The patient is empowered to strengthen themselves safely and effectively. They can work towards improving endurance, form, and performance.
Dr. April Vukelic was certified by BackFitPro in 2023 and is excited to use the McGill method in her practice. The appointment lasts three hours and covers a specific diagnosis, pain triggers, spine hygiene (how to move without triggering pain), and appropriate exercises for the individual. Patients with back pain should read The Back Mechanic before their appointment.
Dr. McGill has been on many popular podcasts, which can help patients learn about his unique and proven approach.
Dr. Vukelic is also an osteopathic physician trained in key-lesion sequencing, biodynamics, and cranial osteopathy. She was honored to train directly with Dr. James Jealous and Dr. Ed Stiles. She trained in cranial osteopathy with a sutural approach with Dr. Ed Stiles and the curved tensegrity model of Dr. Beryl Arbuckle with Dr. Charles Beck. She is certified in cranial osteopathy by The Cranial Academy. Dr. Vukelic is a member of the Cranial Academy, The American Academy of Osteopathy, and the Center for Traditional Osteopathy. She teaches with The Indiana Academy of Osteopathy. She is an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor for Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine.
She has completed training with NASM as a Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, and Certified Nutrition Coach and has a Performance Enhancement Specialization. She received HeartMath Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety, and Emotional Regulation and HeartMath Interventions Certification Program accreditation.